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We provide leading edge education/information tools that Educate, Inform and Inspire our members/subscribers. We conduct high-level, luminary interviews of well-known professionals with major accomplishments in their industries. They share key tips and insights, to further enlighten our audience members. Left Right Forward Educational Foundation is a membership organization whose members support the educational outreach to our youth in New Mexico and the Southwest.  


Your membership donation supports the following activities:



Left-Right-Forward gives intellectual, moral, and social instruction to (everyone, especially a student’s), through podcasts, seminars, and keynote speeches.


Left-Right-Forward Education Foundation uses podcast and radio methods to supply and inform relevant information and knowledge on targeted topics. Through the interviews with select individuals we are able to inform our audience on pertinent facts.


It is our ultimate goal to try and inspire our members to help give them the confidence to achieve great things. We believe that our members will get inspiration from the podcast we produce, from the seminars and from the keynote speeches.

Through -  Seminars

We will use the methods of Seminars and Forums on teaching the workings of our national government and how it impacts on our state government and local communities.

Through - Classrooms & Online Education

Through the use of classrooms and online education methods, we will teach the subjects of government, politics, business and labor.  These programs will focus on how each sector impacts one another.

Through - Host Conferences & Lectures

We plan to host conferences with business, labor, political and community leaders to educate our youth by example.

Through - Scholarships

We will raise special funds to provide Left-Right-Forward scholarships for the most deserving students to pursue their dreams.

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